We have spent a fun month in Houston with Kyle, Heather and the girls. It has rained every day and the humidity is drenching but still good to be here!
We took Samantha and Emily to the Galveston beach while the girls and their husbands went to Las Vegas for a long week-end. We bought them boogie boards and they spent hours riding the waves! Jack (the new dog) went with us with promises that they would take care of him. The first time Roger and Emily walked him and he pooped Emily said "I can't clean that up - it gives me the throw ups!"
"Cool Dog" at the beach! |
We have a good time just doing everyday things with them - walking Jack up to school in the afternoons, going to school functions, the horseraces, a Skeeters game and just hanging out playing games. Carlos and Megan came for two week-ends so we had wonderful Mothers Day. Roger and I took the girls to a local playground and took pictures to put in a frame for Heather's present and it turned out real cute.
Heather started a swim team in the subdivision and has been immersed in all the preparations necessary for the first season. What a task - even with many volunteers and coaches! She and Megan have such good memories of the Northern Hills Natadors that she wanted the girls to have the same experience - hence, the Lakes of Bella Terra Baracudas! We saw their first practice "meet" before we left and both the girls did really well! They are anxious to get their official times!
We are on our way to Boerne to a Boomer Rally over Memorial Day week-end and then to Ft. Worth for new jacks on the motorhome before we head north to Alaska!
Hate to say "good-bye" because we know we won't see them until October!!