Roger & Kathy's Travel Journal




Friday, November 11, 2011

Matt & Me

Wish I had known Matt Lauer was going to be in KL - I would have bummed a ride on his private jet! Actually, my 30 hours of travel wasn't too bad this time. We left SA at 10am on Monday and drove to Houston - my flight left at 4:30pm. I flew to Moscow (where we had to get off the airplane, walk through the terminal, go through another security check, and then get back on the same plane - go figure!) then to Singapore then Kuala Lumpur and I arrived on Wednesday at 9:30am. I paid $50 extra for a seat in the first row behind business class where there is more leg room and it was well worth it - great just to be able to stretch your legs out and stand up once in awhile plus there isn't someone in front of you that's reclined back with their head in your lap! Singapore Airlines has great service and decent food.
Heather picked me up (so good to see her!) and we went to a charity Christmas bazaar at one of the hotels - very similar to the ones in the US - on our way home. Had to keep going - didn't want to sleep during the day and have my body clock really messed up!  A fun reunion with Samantha and Emily - a quick dinner with Kyle and Heather - and in bed at 7pm. Thought I did well to stay awake as long as I did! I slept well until about 5:30am so that was a good start at beating the jet lag. It is always worse, for me, going home!
We've been busy - took cupcakes to Emily's school for her birthday on Thursday morning; celebrated Kyle's BR on Thursday night; and had Emily's birthday party with her little girlfriends at the house this morning. Heather had a "baby doll" party - all the girls brought their dolls and strollers and played with them at different stations around the house: feeding area, bath area, play area, snack area, nap area - too cute!
Kyle & Heather had a work party tonight so the girls & I had "movie night" and watched Annie. Well, we watched the beginning - they were so tired from a busy week that they wilted quickly. They love the movie and know all the songs and most of the dialogue!
Off to Samantha's soccer game tomorrow. Hope it's cooler in the morning - the humidity has been oppressive!
I'm feeling guilty about being here having fun while Roger is home working. But.................

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