Kyle flew to India on Tuesday night on business – will return on Saturday evening. Heather, the girls & I flew to Langkawi on Thursday morning and will return on Sunday afternoon. A 4 day “ladies holiday” at the beach!
Langkawi is beautiful vacation destination on the northwest coast of Malaysia with mountains, rainforests and gorgeous beaches. turquoise water and sand like the Caribbean. The temperature is in the 80’s and less humid than KL with a nice breeze from the sea. We are staying at the Andaman Resort on the Andaman Sea which flows into the Indian Ocean. It is a perfect beach for the kids because there are small waves, lots of shells, shallow water, and nice sand. It’s perfect for the adults because the shade trees are very close to the water – we can relax in our recliners while the girls play. Samantha has had fun with her goggles – watching the tiny fish. Of course they have beautiful pools and a water slide. The slide “dumps” the kids in about 3-4 feet of water and they can easily swim to the ladder to go up and down again! They never tire of it! I pretended that I was scared to slide down and Emily said “it OK Tima, I be right by you! It’s terrible how content I can be in a lounge chair! Especially, when Roger is back in the states working!!
We took a boat tour of the Mangrove Forest yesterday. We were afraid the girls would be bored but they were so good and really enjoyed it. The mangrove trees have adapted to live in the coastal area in salt water and where the tides leave them swamped sometimes and dry at other times. They are surrounded by rainforest and rivers and all sorts of wildlife live there. We saw many different birds; one clawed crabs; a fish that walks on ground when the tide is out; a viper snake in a tree and a large monitor lizard and of course, monkeys. We also visited a fish farm where we fed the groupers and stingrays and then we walked through a bat cave! Our guide, Wendy, had a flashlight so we could see all the bats hanging from the ceiling. To tell the truth, I wasn’t all that excited about the bat cave but the girls were so I had to act brave! On the way back, the boat went into the Andaman Sea and along the coastline – so beautiful, a great place for one of our houseboat trips! The boat went very fast and Emily giggled and laughed and loved it! This morning Emily woke up and before the rest of us were quite awake she said “ shhh… the bats are sleeping, look, I shine flashlight so you can see them!” I’m sure she absorbed more than we imagined!
Heather & I were disappointed that our room does not have a balcony. We thought we could put the girls to bed and then relax with our wine but…..the monkeys are all around here. They are not domestic but people do not frighten them and they can be aggressive if you have food or drink. The girls were scared the first day because one was sitting on the window sill peeking in! This morning they saw one sitting in the tree eating an apple! The sign on our door says to leave the doors locked because they will come in your room and raid the fruit bowls!
This morning Samantha told Emily if she was really good she would give her “the prettiest seashell” she found! Such a sweet big sister! We were eating lunch and Samantha was upset about something – Emily pipes up and says “I eating good – I no have attude!” (Because, Heather tells them not to give her attitude!”)
Heather had a facial this afternoon while Emily napped and Samantha & I did an activity book. Off to dinner in town at the “Bon Ton” tonight! Such a hectic schedule!
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