Piece of the Berlin Wall |
Judy for President! |
Friday was the Band Fest at Pasadena College. It was cool and misting on and off but what an experience! The high school bands from Nevada, Georgia and Oklahoma were awesome! Martin Luther King High School's band, from Georgia, is called "King of Halftime" - need to be really great with a name like that and they were fantastic! The "Pride of Broken Arrow" from Oklahoma is a band like no other you have ever seen! They have won more awards, including Grand Nationals, than any other band in the world! Innovative uniforms, choreography and music. They even rode 40 "go cart" type bikes around the field - playing instruments while pedaling or riding on them!
We had a "tame" New Year's Eve with dinner and cards! Celebrated on east coast time while on the west coast so midnight was at 9 pm!!
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