Roger & Kathy's Travel Journal




Monday, June 20, 2011

Jellystone Park

Heather and the girls are at SeaWorld today with their cousins - Kyle's sister and family are in San Antonio - so I finally have time to update my blog. We have been having so much fun since the girls arrived, there has been no free time!
They arrived June 11th after "one long, one very long, and a short hop on the airplane" -according to Samantha! It took them until Wednesday to get their body clocks on Texas time.
We took them to Yogi Bear RV park in Waller, TX from Wednesday to Friday and had a great time. The little water park there is perfect for young children and they love it. Samantha was brave and hugged Yogi but Emily is just like Samantha used to be - eager to wave from about 6 ft. We got this picture, with her in my arms, on our last day. As we walked away, she said "He a nice bear!"
We came to SA on Friday. Emily is so intrigued with the "car house" - she kept asking Roger "why the car house not moving?" She talks in complete sentences and if I can't understand her it is usually because she is using a word you wouldn't expect a 2 1/2 year old to use. She asked me the other day if something was "breakable." She loves to watch the hummingbirds at our feeder. Roger told her the bird was "eating" and she corrected him saying "He not eating, he drinking."
All of us "girls" went to see the play "Pinkilicious" at the San Antonio Children's Theatre on Saturday afternoon. It was Roger's Father's Day gift that he did not have to go!! The girls loved it - Pinkilicious ate so many pink cupcakes she turned pink all over - even her hair! They got autographs and pictures afterwards.

They are staying in the townhouse this week and spending time with their cousins. We will all head back to Austin on Friday where Heather has rented a house for the duration of their visit. Kyle will arrive July 1.
All of my family are coming to Austin for the July 4th week-end so we are looking forward to a fun time. Hope they bring some cooler weather with them!

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