We have had a "second summer" since arriving in Houston - temperature in the high 80's with the humidity at misery level! But, having fun spending time with the kids. Kyle, Heather, Carlos and Megan spent a long "adult" week-end in New York City before Halloween so we had a busy "kid" week-end in Houston. Soccer, sleep overs, gymnastics and a fall festival with "Trunk or Treating" at the subdivision clubhouse. We decorated the back of the Buick, complete with spiders and lights and ended up with a dead battery! The creativity and imagination for some of the kids costumes was amazing but, all the chocolate candy turned to "goo" in the hot sun! Not my favorite holiday but the girls sure have a great time! Their dentist has a great program to collect extra Halloween candy, box it up and send it to the troops overseas.
We are so proud of both girls who received honors at ceremonies this week - all A's, perfect attendance and citizenship awards. Glad we could attend and congratulate them!
Samantha is part of the broadcast team at her school. Every morning a live segment like the "Today Show" is broadcast via big screen TV's to all the classrooms. It starts with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence then goes to the lunch menu, special events, birthdays and even the weather! They finish with the Huskie (their mascot) cheer and "Have a good day!" The librarian is their adviser but the day we were there watching she came in and said she was busy with the Book Fair so they were on their own! We were amazed at the production - the kids ran the computers, changed the backdrops, and filmed it! Samantha did a great job as the announcer!
Hard to believe Emily is 8 years old already! The girls take turns having a "big" vs a "small" birthday party. This year was Emily's "small" turn so she had 3 friends spend the night. We went for dinner and I helped them with their art and craft project - making dream catchers - and then we made a quick get away! Didn't seem to be quieting down for sleep anytime soon!
Emily in her mermaid swim costume from her other grandparents! |
She can hardly wait to try it out! |
Sydney, Emily Evelyn and Catherine |
Tomorrow is Heather's annual post-op check up with her neurosurgeon and Kyle is leaving for Germany today so Roger and I will go with her to see Dr. Kim. Then we are heading to San Antonio for doctors appointments and townhouse repairs. So blessed she is doing so well!