Roger & Kathy's Travel Journal




Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Huzzards

Several of us that used to work at South Texas Primary Care, Dr. Langlinais' office, got together at the townhouse last Saturday and had a great time playing "catch up." Such a privilege to work with such wonderful women! The power of friendship it awesome!

Dori, Terri, Donna Marie, Dina, Kenna and me!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Happy Birthday, Judy!

                                                               January 15th

Happy Birthday, Heather!

                                                                  January 11th
Just a few years ago!

In Loving Memory.....

                     In loving memory of David Burley, Sr.  - thanks for the fun memories!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Happy Birthday, Samantha!

Hard to believe she is ten years old!

Happy Holidays 2015!

The girls spent Thanksgiving with their in-laws (we have to share them now!) so we enjoyed dinner with friends from the RV park. The park staff cooked a great meal - even had "Yankee" stuffing plus the popular southern cornbread kind. I felt bad because Roger had 4 days off and it rained every day! I've been playing golf 2-3 times a week with the park group but poor Roger has been working so he hasn't been on a course in a long time.

Judy joined us at Heather's for a week around Christmas and Mel and Ray were with their boys in Sugarland so we had a nice family get together on Saturday. Mel and Ray both turned 60 this past fall so we put together a "memory book" for them that reminded us of so many good times on family vacations - lots of laughter. Samantha and Emily had so much fun playing with Charlotte! And the exciting Christmas news is that Kirt and Nicole are engaged and planning a summer wedding in Montana!

We had a busy fun filled week in Houston. We went on a Christmas scavenger hunt - finding different decorations in neighborhood lawns. "I FLY" was a great hit with the girls, Kyle and Carlos. It is a wind tunnel that allows you to feel like you are skydiving! And, of course, Star Wars was on the itinerary. Add lots of cards, games, food, drink and laughter and it was great!

Samantha, Emily & Jack with their matching PJ's!

Megan playing PIE FACE

Judy got hit!

Samantha, Charlotte and Emily

The whole clan at Kyle and Rachels

The I FLY crew

I got videos of the girls but they are too big to publish on my blog!