Roger & Kathy's Travel Journal




Thursday, October 23, 2014


The girls have been excited about a surprise for me. They couldn't keep it a secret any longer so they made me a banner:

It is a pre-season game with the Houston Rockets and they know I love the Spurs! They are probably more excited about surprising me than they will be about the actual game! Emily wanted to know if we would see "Tony the Tiger!"

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Back in Houston

We arrived in Houston about a week earlier than the girls expected and surprised them when we picked them up from school! We were all so excited to see each other!

We have exchanged cool and rainy for hot and rainy - still in the 80's here! But, we are back in the land of HEB, Mexican food, Chick Filet and shopping!!!

We were able to get a site, at the last minute, in the RV park that is really close the Heather and Kyle's. Unfortunately, all it has going for it is location, location, location. No major improvements so it still lacks even minor amenities. But, as Roger says, why make changes, when it is full all the time?!

We celebrated Roger's birthday one more time - Heather made him a delicious banana cream pie! - and the girls helped him blow out his candle! They gave him a dozen golf balls that they put an "R" and other sayings on - "awesome," smiley and sad faces!  So cute!

Our bikes are at their house so Roger goes over and rides them to school every morning and then does his exercise biking around their neighborhood. They want us to come eat lunch with them sometime but because of the overcrowding at the school Emily eats at 10:30am! She told me "Tima gets up so late she can have her coffee and donut with me!!"

Monday, October 6, 2014

Cascades Golf Course

All of the grandchildren arranged to have a bench placed at the 13th tee of Cascades Golf Course, in Jackson, in memory of Mom and Dad. Dad played there regularly - his home away from home in the summer. The placement overlooks a pond in the nearby park where they ice skate every year. Mom loved to skate and spent her childhood winters at the rink so, it is a perfect place for a memorial to them both!

It was cold the day we planned a golf outing with friends to see it and colder yet on the day we went with Judy, Mel and Ray! Time to head south toward the sun!!

The "golf gang" at Cascades Golf Course