Happiness for Roger is Texas in our rear view mirror! I thought it would be easier to say good-bye to the kids because they are now within driving distance but it wasn't!
Megan is doing well after her ACL knee surgery but still using a brace and single crutch. She is going to PT twice a week and able to flex it more but it is swollen and painful. I feel for her having to wear the heavy brace in the heat! Despite the circumstances of our stay we so enjoyed spending time in Austin with her and Carlos. We are hoping they can join us on our travels sometime in the near future.
Heather & Kyle are as settled in their new house as they can be until the container from Asia arrives - then they get to start all over! We had a fun July 4th week-end at their house - Megan and Carlos; Kyle and Rachel and Kirt joined us all for food and fireworks! Always good to see our nephews but, we missed Joel and Rachel and especially Charlotte as they were in Michigan for the week.
Roger talked the girls into taking the training wheels off their bikes on Sunday morning. Samantha was very timid about riding without them but Emily jumped on and mastered it in no time! That certainly motivated Samantha try harder!
We went for one last Mexican food hit for lunch and then we left for Michigan. We got these videos around 5pm. Now they know they can trust Grandpa not to lead them astray - he was right - they can do it!!