Roger & Kathy's Travel Journal




Tuesday, February 12, 2013

D.R. Hewlett - 1957-2013

We are so saddened by the death of Roger's nephew, DR, of an apparent heart attack. He was 10 years younger than Roger! Duane had four children, three sons, DR, Wally and Randy and a daughter, Cathy, the youngest. All three boys have died suddenly of heart related illness. How many crosses does one family have to bear?

We drove to Michigan for four days - we would much rather see family and friends at a wedding than a funeral. We darn near froze! Snow and 0-20 degrees - we don't have clothes and shoes to keep warm in that kind of weather!

We drove back in 18 hours straight! The weather was nice, the traffic light and we weren't tired to we just kept going! Heather really "chewed me out" for it - guess our roles have reversed! But, she's right - we are retired and have all the time in the world - what was the hurry? Sleeping in our own bed!!!

Florida 2013

I am seriously behind in updating my blog - too busy with all the activities here in Florida. We have been blessed with beautiful weather and have been biking, kayaking and playing golf. Add in happy hours and dining out and life is good! It is fun to be here with old and new friends.

Mike and Lorraine Lynch, our friends from the Alpha Roadrunners club, visited for a week-end on their way back to Arizona. We had hoped to see them in San Antonio but plans changed so they stopped by Clermont. We took them to the Tiki Bar, went kayaking and then up to The Villages for dinner. They loved all the golf carts! We are seriously thinking of spending next winter in California/Arizona and at Quartzite - boondocking with them.

We have moved to a different lot here in Rolling Ridge and it is much bigger than the previous one. The owners of lot #1 sold it and assured us that the new owners wanted to rent to us but....the day they signed the papers our new "landlords" knocked on our door and asked if they could begin doing some "minor renovations" while we were here. Well, after a week of them parading through our space, digging up the yard and making a new retaining wall we decided their definition of minor and ours was totally different! Glad we moved - they just brought in a huge storage shed and placed it right in the middle of "our patio!"