Roger & Kathy's Travel Journal




Saturday, July 14, 2012

Samantha and Emily

I have to post some cute stories about Samantha and Emily - just to keep them in my memory bank!

Emily calls Samantha "sister" a lot - from the days when she couldn't say Samantha - and gets her pronouns mixed up - she is only 3!  Emily saw a reindeer at the Safari park and said "Look a Christmas deer!" "What them called, sister?" Samantha answered "A reindeer." And Emily said "Yea, a reindeer!"

They painted small ceramic banks while we were camping at DeGray Lake - Samantha a hippo and Emily a monkey. They set them in the sun to dry and Roger came along and accidentally stepped on Emily's monkey - shattered in many pieces - what do you expect from the Dollar Store? Of course an instant meltdown occurred and we were trying to think of ANY solution acceptable to a three year old when Samantha came to the rescue. She hugged Emily and said "it's OK sweetie, it was an accident, Grandpa didn't mean to - you can share mine." Emily immediately settled down and then went over and gave Grandpa a big hug saying "it OK, it an accident." Samantha has such a kind heart!

We were eating dinner at Megan's on Saturday night before they left on Sunday morning and Megan suggested we play the "high - low game" where you tell the best and worst part of your day. When it came to me I said spending time with my family at the lake was the best part and having to say "good-bye" tonight was the worst part. Emily, sitting next to me, put her fork down, got up on her knees and gave me a big hug! I lost it and started crying and she kept patting my arm!

The girls were cuddled up on the couch with Roger watching TV one evening - I was busy doing other things - when all of sudden I realized they were watching "Turtle Man!" As he dove in algae clogged water to wrestle turtles and looked for snakes and rats in peoples houses! Samantha and Emily were loving it - it scares me to even think about snakes and rats in my house! The next morning the girls climbed into bed with me - we were talking about what to do during the day - and Samantha said "shhhhh.......I think I hear a rat in the kitchen!" Emily sat bolt upright and said "Call Turtle Mannnnn!!!!" Then she pretends she is talking on the phone - "Hello, Turtle Man, can you come get a rat in our kitchen? OK! He coming!"

Ever since we arrived in San Antonio we have been "plagued" by an ice cream truck that goes through local neighborhoods every evening. The same silly music playing over and over and over again! He never comes into the park - just the surrounding area. But, it drives us crazy! So, I thought it would be fun to play "find the ice cream truck" while the girls were with us -  made the mistake of telling them. Would you believe we never once heard him while they were with us! Aunt MeMe said we could go to the ice cream man in her neighborhood but, never saw him either! We even went to the local park - his favorite hang out - looking for him but, no luck. Guess who we heard the first night we returned to San Antonio without the girls??!! They finally heard an ice cream truck in Biloxi, told Granny and Bepa their sad story, and got a treat!

My whole family was at Judy's before and after Mom's funeral. One night we were sitting on her patio before dinner and there was some beer drinking going on. One of my nephews asked Samantha to go get him a beer from the cooler in the garage and described what kind he wanted. When she came back with it, she had her little bumblebee purse I gave her and said "that will be $1 - in United States money, not ringits!" So he tipped her and that's how her new business got started! She was having trouble figuring out what kind of beer everyone wanted - we had quite a choice - so she came up with a great idea. She put all the used bottle tops in a cup and told people to pick out the one they wanted and she would "match it." Pretty ingenious, huh!

We rented a raft on Lake Travis and went swimming the last day the kids were in Austin. We were floating around when Emily announced she had to "go poop." What do you do?? Kyle took her up on shore - it was an undeveloped area - and told her to squat down and go. He was standing there with her when she looks up at him and says "turn around Daddy, I need privacy!"